Unlock YOUR Christian School’s Ministry Potential
If you are sincere in your desire to grow your Christian school, then you repeatedly feel the constant pressure to ‘market’ your school. Most Christian school leaders are not marketers or salespeople and you don’t have to be. BE what you are good at. BE what God has called you to be: Ministers of Education. You can be a shepherd in your very own community; building relationships, connecting to the needs of others, and making a difference. Marketing Christian schools means doing your MINISTRY better.
Christian Education Matters teaches you the MATTERS (Ministry Addressing Teaching Targeting Engaging and Retaining Students) of how to build capacity with essential easy to implement systems and strategies that have proven results. We can help you stay focused on what really matters to you as a Christian leader! We can help you use your strengths and God-given talents to reach the right kind of families or students for your school in a Kingdom-of-God way. We promise to not turn you into or make you feel like a salesperson.

Does this kind of approach to marketing
make a difference to you?
If it MATTERS to you, it MATTERS to us.
We are passionate about being able to make a difference.

Meet Teresa
Since 2012, Teresa Bristow Kelchner of Christian Education Matters has been partnering with schools to reimagine the way schools grow. The personalized approach has had a significant impact on school progress in more than 200 schools in 34 states (and counting) across North America. On average, within the first two years of following the program, 85% of schools have maintained their enrollments and of the remaining schools, 80% have experienced an increase in enrollment. Christian Education Matters believes it is a critical imperative to not only improve struggling schools who have at times adopted well-intentioned bad habits, but to have an ambitious goal to plant new Christian schools with healthy best practices! Nine (9) Christian schools have been started (3 new schools in 2019 alone)!
WHY choose Christian Education Matters?
Christian Education Matters has a tenaciously focused vision to cultivate and enhance a partnership of unity (a single voice for the Christian Church, Christian School and the Christian Home). An enduring immersive experience envisioning a future where Christian schools embrace educational excellence and responsible ownership to reach their full evangelistic potential fulfilling the Great Commission and introducing others to Jesus. Christian Education Matters mission is to equip (with best practices, customized tools, resources, optimism and nurture) serious and motivated Christian school leaders, school boards, principals, teachers, pastors, and parents to become better ministers with measurable results as a vibrant Christian school in their communities.
Christian Education Matters vision and mission is
driven by the following values, philosophies, and principles
Marketing As Ministry
Marketing a Christian school is not the same as marketing any other kind of business. We fundamentally believe that the ability to introduce Jesus is always the first and greatest ambition. Christian schools are both a ministry and a business. It is our goal that every family have the ability to experience the joy and power of a Christian education. We believe in matching Christian schools, in partnership, with serious and motivated families to receive the outcome displayed by graduates as character-driven, Christ-like, servant leaders who will make a difference in the world as the best way to increase your school’s ministry impact.
Help your school take control of its ministry and enroll more students!
Unity in the CommUNITY
Together, we are better. Every community member (the YOU in unity) has an influential part to play in making ministry better. We find that inclusive collaborative (school leader, pastor, teacher, parent, volunteer and school board) efforts create unlimited potential for non-complacent communities. We maximize impact by building meaningful relationships to advance through a shared vision and quality strategy.
Together we can make it happen! You can’t do it alone! We all need a (real) helping hand once in a while. Ask about FREE speaking opportunities for your ministerial group, church or school.
A Plan for Growth
Christian Education Matters doesn’t believe in shortcuts but works tirelessly to manage your school’s present as well as create for your school’s future. A sustainable system can outlast any administration or school board transition. Do you realize, that schools basically do the exact same thing each and every year according to a fairly predictable calendar? Purposeful pre-planning creates the momentum and makes the process for execution simple.
Begin to build your customized plan today! FREE no-obligation conversation about your school!
It will be time well invested!
ACTION is Key!
Christian Education Matters doesn’t believe in shortcuts but works tirelessly to manage your school’s present as well as create for your school’s future. A sustainable system can outlast any administration or school board transition. Do you realize, that schools basically do the exact same thing each and every year according to a fairly predictable calendar? Purposeful pre-planning creates the momentum and makes the process for execution simple.
Your first impression doesn’t start when visitors walk through your door, it starts first online,
then your parking lot. Are you looking for Tips on How to Have a Better Welcoming Vision?
Yes, I want this FREE document.
Big challenges are our thing
Everyone wants change, no one ever really wants to change, and it is even harder to find someone who wants to lead the change. We take ownership, act with urgency and aren’t afraid to do the hard work and give 100 percent every day. We celebrate small successes and look to improve constantly.
Christian Education Matters is effective and affordable.
Ask about our scholarship programs for your school or church.
Data Driven Decisions
Quantitative measurement of satisfaction provides a powerful indicator of organizational health. We use research and evidence to develop strategies tailored to the DNA of your school to ensure exceptional results. We enthusiastically and continually question what we know and how we do things to generate knowledge of what works best.
What gets measured, makes you informed! Ask about how data makes your
decisions on how you spend your time, energy and money better?
People and Money
No non-profit organization survives without people and money. We know that servant leaders and volunteers are our biggest ministerial asset. We mobilize and intentionally nurture a community of people to make a difference in your school’s ministry. When you have developed the people; funding becomes easier. We help you choose wisely and set reasonable expectations for success.
Want to know how to develop people and raise money?
Achieve greater financial stability
Let’s talk about numbers as the impact of poor financial planning continues to impact generations of school health and economic stewardship. Many Christian schools are stretched thin operating with a deficit budget and charge tuition well below their cost of doing business. Can this kind of mindset impact growth and quality? Some school boards begin to worry if they will be able to sustain their school and begin to ponder the economics of ‘closing the school’. It is humanly easier to decide to avoid or neglect problems and close a Christian school than it is to dedicate the time and energy to keep the school open. Is this a healthy practice of ministerial stewardship? Remember, your Christian school is 5-days a week evangelism! We take money seriously and teach you how to adopt a ministerial philosophy of money.
‘How much does it cost’ is the first question asked. Does your school
have an ministerial answer and practical solutions for this?
Fervent Prayer and Enthusiasm
keeps us going
We encourage, appreciate, celebrate, and pray with each other with exuberance and a sense of humor. We embrace joy, persistence, focus and enthusiasm in our daily work.
I want to become a Christian Education Matters partner! By working with schools,
in schools and for schools, we understand the challenges Christian schools face.
We are in ministry and IF you are in ministry, you have no time to waste! We won’t waste your time! Every conversation receives a valuable resource!